Members of Congress to tour Parkland school shooting site before building is torn down

PARKLAND, Fla. – U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Florida, will lead a bipartisan visit next week inside the 1200 building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where the 2018 mass shooting occurred.

Moskowitz is an alumnus of MSD.

He says all of Congress has been invited to tour the building “so they can witness the aftermath of a school shooting & the horrific impact it’s had on our community in Parkland.”

Max Schachter, who lost his 14-year-old son Alex in the Feb. 14, 2018, shooting, tweeted earlier this month that he encourages all members of Congress to visit the site.

“I want YOU to understand what happened that day,” he wrote. “Work with me to prevent this from happening again.”

The tour will occur on Friday, Aug. 4.

A total of 14 students and three staff members were killed in the massacre:

· Alyssa Alhadeff, 14

· Scott Beigel, 35

· Martin Duque, 14

· Nick Dworet, 17

· Aaron Feis, 37

· Jaime Guttenberg, 14

· Christopher Hixon, 49

· Luke Hoyer, 15

· Cara Loughran, 14

· Gina Montalto, 14

· Joaquin Oliver, 17

· Alaina Petty, 14

· Meadow Pollack, 18

· Helena Ramsay, 17

· Alex Schachter, 14

· Carmen Schentrup, 16

· Peter Wang, 15

About the Author

Amanda Batchelor is the Digital Executive Producer for

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