Shocking twist in court: Feds now targeting Miami Beach doc who took plea deal in sex crimes case

MIAMI – Dr. Jeffrey Kamlet surrendered his medical license and received withheld adjudication after pleading guilty to a lesser charge in a child sex trafficking case in March.

But a shocking twist during a Thursday court hearing reveals that the former Miami Beach pain specialist’s legal troubles may not be behind him after his guilty plea to custodial interference.

In Miami-Dade County court, where Kamlet had been seeking to get his possessions back, a sealed federal search warrant was served seeking the 69-year-old’s electronic devices.

“It contains what, child pornography?” Miami-Dade Judge Ellen Venzer asked. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

Federal prosecutor Lacee Monk replied, “Yes, your honor.”

Until forfeiting his medical license in the plea deal, Kamlet ran a pain relief business.

The original arrest warrant detailed evidence of sex and drugs with minors he met on Tinder at his Miami Beach condo.

One of the girls would be found lifeless in the Little River days before his scheduled trial, among the reasons prosecutors dropped the dozen state charges.

In Thursday’s court appearance, Kamlet brought a list of items he wanted back and items he didn’t.

Kamlet told the court he did not want drug paraphernalia or baggies with tablets back. He also declined to get his sex toys back — save for handcuff keys.

Any federal charges would be separate from the state case. It’s not yet clear whether federal agents have executed that search warrant.

About the Author

Glenna Milberg joined Local 10 News in September 1999 to report on South Florida's top stories and community issues. She also serves as co-host on Local 10's public affairs broadcast, "This Week in South Florida."

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