Anthony Talcott
Digital Journalist

Anthony, a graduate of the University of Florida, joined in April 2022.
Anthony, a graduate of the University of Florida, joined in April 2022.
A Florida bill under consideration by lawmakers would establish a public animal abuse registry to help keep offenders from owning pets in the future.
A partir del 1 de enero, 12 nuevas leyes de Florida entrarán en vigor, abarcando temas que van desde restricciones en redes sociales hasta seguridad de los primeros auxilios y cambios en impuestos a la propiedad.
Un hombre de Florida ha demandado a varias empresas acusándolas de que el Adderall que le recetaron le provocó una "psicosis", según los registros de la corte presentados el miércoles.
A Florida man is suing several companies on accusations that his prescription Adderall sent him into “psychosis,” according to court records filed on Wednesday.
Para muchos residentes de Florida, existe la posibilidad de que hayan visto recientemente lagartijas con una cabeza anaranjada y un cuerpo azul oscuro correteando por sus vecindarios.
For many Florida residents, there’s a chance they’ve recently spotted lizards with an orange head and dark blue body scurrying about in their neighborhoods.
Grief counselors visited two Orange County elementary schools Wednesday, one day after the Florida Highway Patrol says a school bus fatally struck a 9-year-old boy.
A Flagler County man is suing a Dunkin’ Donuts after he suffered from a toilet “explosion” nearly two years ago, according to court documents filed on Wednesday.
A woman filed a lawsuit against Walt Disney Parks and Resorts on Wednesday claiming she suffered serious injuries through a “painful wedgie” at Typhoon Lagoon years ago, according to court records.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced an investigation into AB InBev, the beverage company behind Bud Light, as the firm’s share prices crashed amid a conservative boycott earlier this year.